De jaarrekeningen van Stichting HEID zijn vastgesteld door het bestuur en er is een goedkeurende controleverklaring verstrekt door onze accountant. Voor meer informatie kunt u bijgaand de publicatieversie in zien.
Loans, guarantees and equity investments to invest in innovative sustainable energy projects
Development and redevelopment of small-scale commercial premises
The Sustainability Fund for owners’ associations in The Hague offers owners’ association in The Hague loans to help achieve sustainability objectives.
The venture capital fund helps promising, innovative SMEs in the province of Zuid-Holland obtain financing.
Proof of Concepts Fund UNIIQ is an investment fund aimed at the proof-of-concept phase.
The Security of Things Fund aims to help strengthen the eSecurity ecostructure in the Netherlands.
World Startup Factory (WSF) is The Hague’s accelerator for startups
Het Dutch Security TechFund (DSTF) investeert in bedrijven die nieuwe producten ontwikkelen om cybercrime tegen te gaan
The Holdingfund HEID is the portal to revolving investment for the municipality of The Hague. HEID supports public-private partnerships implementing our investment strategy. If you have ideas that match our objectives, please don’t hesitate to contact us.